It's my birthday today (Dec,24) YOSH CHRISTMAS EVE
Everyone keep saying I'm special bc I was born in this day , christmas eve. well,,, I dont rly think so bc maybe I'm just lucky, omg just now I realized that I'm happy bc I feel being re-born but then MOM went through all those pain and blablahhhh... THANKYOUMOMMY. I wanna say thankyou to my family , mommy daddy sisters brothers cousins grandma grandpa uncle aunt ppftttt anddd my best friends in real life, they said Happy birthday on 00:00 XD and next my classmates, Alsoooo My Otakus friend omg even tho they're so talkative but thankyousomuchhh :3 alsoo my youtaite friends hahah XD OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO KIND
AYEE, I think this will be the best birthday bc I've met rly many people in this past years eheh I joined the youtaite community, my rp friends and alsooo otaku community :3 AH YEAAA NEVER FORGET MY GROWTOPIA BUDDDY <3 the give me presents there such as world lock, star board, and lots moreeee :3
I think that's all? thankyouu (3